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Main Summit Event: Sunday Evening - Tuesday Afternoon


Post-Conference Training: Wednesday and Thursday All Day (See Details Below)

Sunday, May 7, 2023

5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Conference Registration

5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Welcome Reception

JAMIS Sponsor Expo Grand Opening

Monday, May 8, 2023

7:30 AM

Conference Registration

Summit Main Event - Day 1

7:30 AM - 9:00 AM


JAMIS Sponsor Expo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

General Session & Opening Keynote Address

Keynote Address:
Jeffrey Noolas, President & CEO, JAMIS

Customer Showcase
The JAMIS Team will take this opportunity to recognize customer achievements, innovation, and contributions towards the direction of the JAMIS product line.


10:30 PM - 10:45 AM


10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Special Guest Speaker
Jim "Murph" Murphy
Founder & Chairman, Afterburner
Former F-15 Instructor Pilot, USAF

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM


1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Option 1: JAMIS Product Showcase & Town Hall

The JAMIS Product Showcase will play a prominent role in our first-day session at JAMIS Summit 2023. The JAMIS Product Development and Professional Services teams will highlight the latest and greatest features available, displaying use cases for how customers can utilize these features to increase their return on investment.  And we'll show everyone a glimpse into our future product roadmap, highlighting the features and capabilities coming to customers next.​

  • Joe Satlin, VP of Technology, JAMIS

  • John Spirig, VP JAMIS HCM Product Division, JAMIS


Option 2: Executive Program

Part 1: Federal Spending Outlook & Contract Opportunities

  • Lisa Shea Mundt and Amber Hart, Co-Founders, The Pulse of GovCon

Part 2: Driving ROI with JAMIS Prime

  • Jeff Noolas, Dave Sample, Eric Marshall, Dan Rusert, JAMIS Team

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM


3:15 PM - 4:45 PM

Option 1: Government Contracting Industry Panel of Experts


Regulatory compliance in the government contracting world changes on a frequent basis, and it is important for contractors to stay on top of the current and ever-changing environment.

Join JAMIS guest presenters as they review the compliance updates and challenges that may affect government contractors.


  • Host: Dave Sample, CRO, JAMIS

  • Bill Walter, Managing Director, FORVIS

  • Eric Crusius, Partner, Holland & Knight LLP​

  • Leneé Lyte, Principal, Withum

  • Giacomo Apadula, Principal, RSM USA

  • Brian Gallagher, Director, Capital Edge Consulting


Option 2: Nonprofit User Forum

Join us for an opportunity to network within the community. JAMIS experts as well as the other users, will share best practices and explore ways to make Prime the best-in-class product for the Non-Profit sector. Bring your best ideas!! Let us know what works and what Prime can do better!


Option 3: Executive Program

Driving Innovation in Government Contracting

​David Kriegman, former COO of SRA International, CEO of Z2B-LLC, and Author of "Zero to a Billion: 61 Rules Entrepreneurs Need to Know to Grow a Government Contracting Business"

  • ​

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Option 4: Meet the Experts!  Pre-Book Meetings with JAMIS Subject Matter Experts  Pre-Book

Concurrently with afternoon sessions, JAMIS will be holding "Meet the Experts" meetings, where attendees can pre-book appointments with JAMIS subject matter experts to discuss best practices and help answer any questions you may have.

5:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Dinner & Entertainment on San Diego Bay

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

7:30 AM - 8:30 AM


JAMIS Sponsor Expo

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Option 1: JAMIS Application Open Forum Discussions

The JAMIS Product and Professional Services Teams will be on stage in two separate sessions to review application capabilities and answer questions in an open forum.


  • Forum 1: JAMIS Prime ERP

  • Forum 2: JAMIS HCM (HR & Payroll)


Option 2: Cybersecurity Panel of Experts

JAMIS has gathered many of the top cybersecurity experts in the federal contracting industry to give you the lowdown on what to expect, when to expect it, who needs be involved, and how to prepare for a CMMC Assessment. 

  • Jake Nix, CEO, RISCPoint, and vCISO at JAMIS

  • Eric Crusius, Partner, Holland & Knight

  • Tom Tollerton, Managing Director, FORVIS

  • Ed Keck, Market Leader, Cyber and Information Security Services, Withum

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM


10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

Breakout Sessions 


  • Project Accounting and Job Costing in Prime - 101

  • Budgeting & Forecasting

  • Purchase Requisitions to Purchase Orders and Sales Orders

  • Be a Standout User in JAMIS Prime! 

  • Simplifying Your Benefits Enrollment with JAMIS HR

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM


12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Breakout Sessions 


  • Labor Management Leading Practices

  • A Guide to Indirect Cost Rates In Government Contracting

  • Streamlining the Quote to Cash Process with Sales Order Management

  • Administration: Managing Companies & Test Environments

  • Automating Performance Management with JAMIS HCM

1:30 PM - 1:45 PM


1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

Breakout Sessions 


  • Understanding Prime's Business Intelligence & Reporting Capabilities

  • Advanced Topic: Multi-Company and Intercompany Accounting

  • Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR) Compliance: Bird’s Eye View of DCMA CPSR Landscape

  • JAMIS HCM Payroll Management Latest Features & Benefits

  • Did You Know? Tips on Using Prime

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM


3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Breakout Sessions 


  • Contract Setup & Administration Leading Practices

  • Advanced Topic: Multi-Currency Accounting

  • The Top 10 Prime System Personalizations

  • Service Contract Act / Davis Bacon Act Compliance

  • Prime New Industry Vertical Edition Showcase

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM


4:15 PM - 5:15 PM

Breakout Sessions 


  • Creating Prime Workflows and Business Events

  • Contractor Accounting System Adequacy

  • Managing Company Assets

  • CMMC Unwrapped - Legal, Compliance and Technical Requirements

  • JAMIS HCM HR Tips and User Tools

5:15 PM -5:30PM

Summit Closing Remarks

JAMIS Co-Owners Jeffrey Noolas and Naomi May deliver closing remarks to conclude JAMIS Summit 2023 Main Session

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 - Post-Conference Training Sessions

Available Post Conference Tracks & Sessions

.  For each day there will be a total of 8 hours of training available. 

Post Conference Training

JAMIS Prime Core Foundation Certification

(2-Day Course)


​Day 1 Sessions: 

  • Vendors & Customer Management

  • Employee Management

  • Work Breakdown Structure (2 Parts)

Mastering the Closing Process in Prime Workshop

(Repeats on Day 2 )


  • A full day course of mastering the closing process in Prime with the comprehensive review of inquiries and techniques for reconciliation. This course will also include hands-on exercises with instructor guidance.


Reporting Workshop Leveraging Generic Inquiries & ARM Reporting Certification

(Repeats on Day 2)


  • Full-day course providing Prime users with a comprehensive review of all generic inquiry and ARM reporting capabilities and use cases for each option.  And will include hands-on exercises with instructor-led guidance.

IT / Security / System Administration

(Repeats on Day 2)


  • User Roles, Access Rights & Leading Practices

  • Using Import Scenarios / Mass Data Changes (2 Parts)

Program Managers Workshop using Business Planning (Day 1 Only. Repeats in afternoon)


  • Half day course providing Prime Business Planning users with a comprehensive review of Budgeting, Forecasting, and Project & Resource Planning.  Will include hands-on exercises with instructor-led guidance.

JAMIS HCM Management Workshop

(Day 1 Only)


  • JAMIS HCM:  Resources for Recruitment and Retention

  • JAMIS Business Intelligence (HCM) Basic Training

Thursday, May 11, 2023 - Post-Conference Training Sessions

JAMIS Prime Core Foundation Certification

(2-Day Course)


Day 2 Sessions:​

  • Accounts Payable

  • Labor Distribution & Accruals

  • Project Billing & Revenue

  • Accounts Receivable

Mastering the Closing Process in Prime Workshop

(Repeat of Day 1 Session)


  • A full day course of mastering the closing process in Prime with the comprehensive review of inquiries and techniques for reconciliation. This course will also include hands-on exercises with instructor guidance.


Reporting Workshop Leveraging Generic Inquiries & ARM Reporting Certification

(Repeat of Day 1 Sessions)


  • Full day course providing Prime users with a comprehensive review of all generic inquiry and ARM reporting capabilities and use cases for each option.  And will include hands-on exercises with instructor-led guidance.

IT / Security / System Administration

(Repeat of Day 1 Sessions)


  • User Roles & Restriction Groups Setup & Leading Practices

  • Using Import Scenarios / Mass Data Changes (2 Parts)

Advanced Accounting/Finance/Contracts Topics

(Day 2 Only)


  • PTO Management and Reconciliation

  • Multi-Company & Intercompany Accounting

  • Indirect Cost Rate Leading Practices

  • Complex Labor Management (SCA/DBA)

Distribution & Assets Workshop

(Day 2 Only)


  • Full-day course providing a comprehensive review of Prime Purchasing, Inventory Management, and Fixed Assets & Government Property capabilities.  Will include hands-on exercises with instructor-led guidance.

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